Photos 8-14/365
This week I had lots of fun with all of the snow in our area and with a bunch of old trains I found. Hope you enjoy Week 2:
Day 14: Hendersonville Train Depot - original yellow color this building was started in 1902 and at it's peak as many as 600 campers at a time would go through its gates on their way to the many camps in our area.

Day 12: Times-News boxes await their daily papers - it's been rough on the carriers this week. If you haven't gotten a paper, please be understanding. The roads in the middle of the night just aren't safe and really, should they be risking their lives when you can get the news online (Yes, that was a shameless plug!)

Day 13: Dunlop Farm off Hillgirt Street behind our apartment; four days after the snow and it's still pretty thick around here.

Day 11: Red Barn Farm: A trip to Brevard was welcomed as it gave me a chance to take this awesome red barn's picture. This is just up the road from where I grew up on Hwy 280 in Mills River.

Day 10: Snow Bunnies - love it when Joanna and Xyla visit - especially when Xyla is cold and asks for tot cocolate (hot chocolate)
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